💙So we’ve finally had a few sunny days but is it really July? Actually I can tell just by looking at the lavender in our field that July is here as the Folgate lavender is ready to harvest. The Folgate which for anyone who has visited or driven by, is the violet blue variety nearest where the lane bends and for the first time you can now PICK YOUR OWN! and some visitors did just that last weekend. I will be harvesting for the rest of the week but there will still be plenty to carry on PYO this coming Friday and the weekend (5th-7th July). First I pick as bunches which we dry for a couple of weeks and can be used all year round to add scent and colour to your surroundings when flowers in your garden are long and we also use it in our lavender bags. I also make wreaths with the fresh flowers and finally I steam distil the rest and make essential oil and floral water. All is available to buy at the Lavender Field when open, at local markets and events and on the website.
In the meantime coming up closely behind the Folgate is the Maillette pictured here. The Mailette isn’t quite at bright a blue but the essential oil I distil it for is considered the finest and this happens towards the end of August.
This just leaves the Dutch lavender in the middle which flowers a couple of weeks after the Maillette so towards the end of July and throughout August the majority of the field will be purple.
For further chats about varieties and other such lavender things you can subscrib to my monthly newsletter, Ramblings from Mentley at the bottom of the home page which is out the first Friday of the month.(I’d better get writing!)
Anyway enough for now. Do visit if you can and I can give you an elastic band and a pair of scissors if you fancy picking your own bunch which would really help me out!
Speak soon Louise 😊💜x